Updates — Made in MT
Artsy Shark Featured Artist Article and new work this week.
2017 Artsy Shark bozeman Dear Universe Featured Made in MT montana MT New new work oil paint paint Universe

Happily painting in my studio this week has been AMAZING. I've started a new series entitled "Dear Universe..." The new year offers new beginnings. ...and with it, many, many, more questions. How do you process?! I find painting it out works wonders. Breath. of. fresh. air. Add in some great music and my day is made. So I'm writing questions, thoughts, dreams, pain, conflicts...and anything that comes to mind on my canvas. ...and then I paint! [gallery size="full" ids="1272,1271,1270"] Want to learn more about this process?! In amazing serendipity, Artsy Shark published a Featured Artist article...