Contemplating Monuments, New Work Monday!

art art speak art-making bozeman creative Dear Universe fine art goals inspiration life listen mediate Monument Valley neuroaesthetics paint Painting quotes shine slow is fast yes

Contemplating Monuments

"Go outside...amidst the simple beauty of nature...and know that as long as places like this exist, there will be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be."  Anne Frank

My life has been a whirlwind of teaching, traveling, and art-business these last few weeks.  But I have finally found my way back to the easel.  Not nearly enough hours with paintbrush in hand, YET!  But space, time, and contemplation are a part of the painting journey. [gallery ids="1481,1482,1483,1484,1487,1476"]

What is a MONUMENT?!

    I often need Webster's help to dig up a simple definition...this one was illuminating for me.  Watching the sunset on these amazing sand structures has a mightiness that takes your breath away.  You can't help but feel connected to both the land and the beautiful calmness that occurs when you're in the presence of something bigger than you...something absolutly magical.  Peace through nature.  Everything is relative.  Get Outside! :) A monument can be built by man, or nature.  Either way, it is a reflection of the past.  Both a gravestone and a powerful site like Monument Valley (that took nature 300 million years to create) highlight the steps it took to exist in a present moment of celebration.

Celebrating the lives that are no longer with us, and the ultimate power of nature over time.

In our culture of instant gratification, we oftentimes forget to give space to the slow and methodical.  Some things simply take TIME.  The importance of the slow and continuous work of sand, erosion, water, and weather is literally what MADE these amazing Monuments. Paintings take time Decisions take time Grief takes time Change takes time Rivers take time Healing takes time Goals take time  

May we all remember to give ourselves more time, more patience, more recovery while knowing that the beautiful Monument is on the other side.

ANYTHING is possible.  One step at a time.

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone, and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson

I am inspired by the entirety of life, therefore so are my paintings.  People, places, time, weather, movement, music; there is glowing inspiration in everyone and in everything.

Sit in the quiet and find your own way to shine.  Shine in a way that only you can.

Cheers to whatever that means for you!

For me, I'm off to paint (and to continue to contemplate MONUMENTS)!!

If you want a little more information about the formation of Monuments like those at Monument Valley, click here for a short video. 

Shine on,


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