Art+Cornhole+Spring=Fundraising Celebration Project!
If you have yet to hear of, or play the game of Cornhole, you may have re-read the above line a few times... I assure you, it's a great game that need to put it on your list of things to do!What is Cornhole?!
According to Wikipedia, "Cornhole, also known as dummy boards, bean bag toss, dadhole, doghouse, Baggo, or simply Bags, is an American lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21."
Every spring, schools across Montana create unique projects to fundraise for arts in their schools. The projects are created by students with the guidance of parents, teachers, and artists in residence (me!). It's a blast to see how the artworks evolve and even more exciting to hear how well the projects were received by the community.
For this project, students each created their own individual designs for the boards. The class then chose their favorite artwork that would be used on the actual boards.
Theme: Montana, wheat fields, river, fishing, grain elevator
Student design, below, we decided to add in a grain elevator and omit the elk.
First layers of paint
Students paint 3 at a time, it's a really fun mini painting lesson. Here they are adding in the middle ground.